CLR Publications
The Dangerous Journey of Sherman the Sheep (Cladach, 2005)
Like Pilgrim’s Progress or Hind’s Feet on High Places, the story of Sherman the sheep is a spell-binding adventure for kids of all ages. But more than this, it is a moving chronicle of a young soul’s awakening, and a sober but tender allegory of redemption through Him who first loved us and gave Himself for us.
Available at ($9.99)
Available at Amazon for Kindle ($2.99)
Available at Cladach Publishing ($9.99)
In Search of the Beginning: A Seeker’s Journey to the Origin of the Universe, Life, and Man (Redemption Press, 2014)
Targeting thoughtful seekers and inquiring Christians, this book is a non-technical, in-depth study of the great themes of cosmology: the origin, structure, purpose, and destiny of the universe. After demonstrating our need of divine revelation for success in the cosmological enterprise, I examine naturalistic, pantheistic, and biblical views of the beginning. If you’re the kind of person who likes to see the Big Picture, you’ll love this book! Annotated, illustrated, warm, readable, and full of surprises!
Available at ($27.99)
Available at Amazon for Kindle ($2.99)
Available at Redemption Press ($18.00 the nice price!)
The Test: A Seeker’s Journey to the Meaning of Life (Redemption Press, 2014)
Are you a seeker, wondering if there’s a God, or struggling to find purpose in your life? Are you a Christian, glad to be one but distressingly uncertain about what you really believe and why you believe it? If so, this book is for you. Yes, it’s big, incorporating equal parts of Philosophy, Apologetics, and Systematic Theology. But it’s also warm and readable, full of charts, diagrams, story, adventure, and the joy of discovery. Over a decade in the writing, The Test is a heartfelt invitation to seekers everywhere (especially the young), that they should embark–with a sympathetic companion at their side–upon the ultimate journey to the ultimate destination: the meaning of life.
Available at ($34.40)
Available at Amzon for Kindle ($2.99)
Available at Redemption Press ($23.00 the nice price!)
The High King of Heaven: Discovering the Master Keys to the Great End Time Debate (Redemption Press, 2014)
For the last 150 years the evangelical world has been embroiled in a Great Debate about eschatology. The debate consists of questions about four great biblical themes: the nature and stages of the Kingdom of God, the proper interpretation of OT kingdom prophecies, the meaning of the Millennium, and the Consummation of all things at Christ’s return. This book was written in the conviction that the High King of heaven has given his people certain master keys by which they may know the answers to all these questions; by which they may resolve, once and for all, the Great End Time Debate, and so be fully prepared for the dramatic closing scenes of God’s great plan of salvation, and the dawn of the World to Come.
Available at Redemption Press ($22.99 the nice price!)
Available at Amazon (Kindle) ($2.99)
A Furnace for Gold: A Child of the Sixties Takes the Test of Life (CLR, 2008)
He was a fairly typical child of the sixties. He grew up in a comfortable middle-class home, went away to college, got interested in philosophy, rode a motorcycle, sang melancholy folk songs about love and war, experimented with drugs, flouted the sexual wisdom of the ages, questioned authority, disdained the Establishment, and dutifully protested the American presence in Vietnam. But then something happened. Though he had never really thought of himself as a radical, suddenly he became one. A radical in the deep, philosophical sense of the word. Now he began to marvel at the mystery of being. Now he began to think seriously about life’s ultimate questions. Now he wanted to get down to the bottom of things–to the very root of reality–in order to see and experience it for himself. In short, now he realized he had find out the truth about God, or die trying. He almost did. This is his story–and the story of every spiritual seeker who wrestles with God in a furnace for gold.
Available at ($10.00)
Available at CLR ( $8.00, includes shipping)
To read or download a complimentary PDF Version, click here
The New Testament for Pulpit and Pew (Redemption Press, 2020)
A four year labor of love, this is a fresh translation of the New Testament. As the title indicates, my goal was to produce a version that would meet the scholarly demands of those who fill the pulpit, while at the same time speaking to the hearts of the folks in the pews. In other words, I have sought for this work what I have seen in our Savior: that truth and beauty have kissed! My sincere hope is that you will find they have done so sweetly in The New Testament for Pulpit and Pew.
Available in soft copy at Redemption Press (the nice price, $16.00)
Available in hard copy at Redemption Press (the nice price, $21.00)
In Search of the Golden Strand: Living Together Well with the Doctrines of Grace (Redemption Press, 2021)
“Them’s fightin words!” So say many Christians when you mention the Doctrines of Grace, otherwise known as the Five Points of Calvinism. How have these excellent gifts from God our Father become a battleground on which we war against each other, instead of common ground where we fight as one for the cause of the Gospel? The trouble begins when we fail to see that God has given us two perspectives on salvation: the Sovereignty Perspective and the Test Perspective. The trouble deepens when we favor one perspective over the other. But the trouble ends when we finally discover the Golden Strand: that narrow spiritual isthmus where the two perspectives meet, where we stand in humility before a great mystery, and where the Church can indeed live together well with the Doctrines of Grace!
Available at Redemption Press (the nice price, $12.00)
Hard Copy Available at Amazon ($17.21)
Available at Amazon for Kindle ($3.99)
Hard Copy Available at Barnes and Noble ($17:99)
Available at Barnes and Noble for Nook Book

John 3:16: A Pearl of Great Price
Believing that John 3:16 contains the essential message of the entire Bible, I have long desired to write a gospel tract that would open up its truth and beauty to saints and seekers alike. I present it here in hopes that it will strengthen your grip on the gospel, and also be of help as you share your faith with others.
These lovely tracts were produced by my friends Adam and Katie Wilson, of Katie Wilson Design, Santa Rosa, CA. Both versions are downloadable by clicking on the pictures to your right. To order 1-50 tracts in hard copy please contact me by email. The cost is $1 each, I will cover postage. Larger quantities are available through Katie Wilson Design. I previously posted the text of this tract as a devotional, viewable here.
The Great End Time Debate (CLR, 2022)
This is an abridged version of my earlier book, The High King of Heaven. Though only half the length of the larger volume, it is still a comprehensive study of biblical eschatology. Here you will discover the major issues in the debate: The Kingdom of God, the Proper Interpretation of OT Kingdom prophecy, the Millennium, and the Consummation of all things. Here you will consider the major eschatological options: Amillennialism, Historic Premillennialism, Postmillennialism, Dispensationalism, and Preterism. And here, I hope and trust, you will behold afresh the glory of High King of Heaven and Blessed Hope of his Church!
Available at Redemption Press ($15.99, the nice price)
Available at Amazon ($21.99)
Available on Kindle ($3.99)
The Gist of the Revelation (Redemption Press, 2024)
In this little book I have sought to fill my readers with confidence for engaging the grand finale of all Scripture: the Revelation of Jesus Christ. Written in amillennial perspective (and graciously explaining and interacting with other perspectives), it includes a glossary of key terms in biblical eschatology, an extended introduction, a concise but substantive commentary, and a list of all the key symbols found in the Revelation, with short explanations. There is also a helpful appendix in which I compare and contrast the dispensational and amillennial interpretations of the Revelation. (Click on the links below in order to peruse the Table of Contents and read some sample pages.) Be strong and of good courage: the Lord wants you to understand the Revelation. And if he wants you to, that means you really can!
Available at Redemption Press ($12.99)
Available at ($19.49)
Available at Barnes and Noble ($19.99)