As many of you know, I recently published a book on eschatology, called The High King of Heaven (Winepress, 2013). Happily, I just received about a dozen copies, so I’ve had the pleasure of actually holding the book in my hands.
Unhappily, Winepress Publishing just went out of business, and that is no pleasure at all!
The story is a long and interesting one, but I will not burden you with it here. Suffice it to say that I have been looking diligently for a new publisher, and feel myself fairly close to choosing one. It will, however, be at a least a month or two before the book is back in print again.
So, if any of you would like a digital copy of The High King of Heaven, I would be happy to send it to you at no charge, though contributions to the ministry of Come Let Us Reason are always welcome. To request a copy, just email me at
I should also mention that my two other Winepress Books (The Test, and In Search of the Beginning) are still available through Amazon and Barnes and Noble. However, if the distributors run out, you may contact me about these books as well.
Thanks for your interest in the ministry of Come Let Us Reason.
P.S. I was so grateful that the HKOH received this generous endorsement by Dr. Sam Storms:—-4