“I am the way, the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father except through me.”
(John 14:6)
In the upper room, just prior to Jesus’ passion, Thomas had said to his master, “Lord, we don’t know where you are going; how can we know the way?” Verse 6, cited above, gives us the Lord’s famous answer to that all-important question: The destination is God the Father, and Jesus Christ himself is the way into his presence, now and forever.
But notice something special: Jesus not only told Thomas that he was the way, but also that he was the truth and the life. Why did he add these extra words?
Speaking as one who studied and practiced eastern religion for many years, my thought is that Jesus was no longer speaking just to Thomas, but to the whole wide world, and in particular to seekers everywhere who are longing to experience the ultimate spiritual reality for themselves.
Here in northern California where I live, such folks are legion. Some practice Zen, others yoga, others Wicca, others Tai Chi, and so on. Though their practices differ, they all are seeking the same thing. Jesus tells us what that is:
The way: the door through which they might enter into an abiding experience of the ultimate spiritual reality.
The truth: the one true worldview, by which they might come to see all reality as it really is, do what it requires, and so be reconciled to it once and for all.
The life: the divine life, come to live within them once and for all, so that death itself becomes but a doorway to further life, eternal life, life to the full.
The way, the truth, the life. What big big words these are, so big they can overshadow the whole wide world, giving hope to all who seek!